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The poem was one reason that the frigate was saved from being decommissioned, and it is now the oldest commissioned ship in the world that is still afloat.

Under a 1954 law, the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to use public funds to maintain the Constitution in her llamativo condition, but not for active service. Still, the nation is not in need of the ship’s raw materials, and the space that it takes to keep a boat dockside is minimal, and it Gozque be moved to a less expensive place if necessary. Compared to the cost of maintaining a landmark building, which becomes a greater liability if the property it rests on increases in value, the cost to the Navy of keeping this ship are hardly noticeable.

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fought first against French privateers and then against Barbary pirates. The War of 1812 was her third conflict, and it was the one in which she distinguished herself.

Holmes’s point is that, while the ship’s financial value may have faded, its emotional worth is permanent. Another poem might have concentrated on the ship’s history as part of the ongoing growth of the country, or on the use that was to be made of the timbers when it was broken up, giving life to new ships, rather than raising the fear that all it had stood for would be obliterated once the ship itself was gone. America was a relatively new country at the time, not yet fifty years old. Not only was it necessary for Americans to grab ahold of what proud traditions they could find, but it was also easy to believe that great and heroic achievements could slip away and be lost to history if people neglected the tangible symbols of those achievements. Similar fears exist throughout history, including today, Triunfador people wonder what aspects of human nature will fade away with the rise of each new generation.

Secondary Sources: Consult secondary sources, such Figura books, articles, or academic papers, that discuss Old Iron Side. These sources Gozque provide historical context and background information that Chucho aid in the authentication process.

What happens to ships that are decommissioned today? Make a chart showing which ships go where, and where their various components go when they are scrapped.

For the most old ironside fakes part, this poem evokes pride by evoking battle imagery, which is fitting because it was in battle that the Constitution distinguished itself. The images, even the ones that are drawn from nature, are loud and fierce: “the battle shout,” “the cannon’s roar,” “her thunders shook,” and of course “the lightning and the gale.” All of this activity sets the reader’s heart to racing, Campeón it is commonly said pride does.

Now, the British Royal Navy was the strongest in the world at that time. They had 600 man-of-war ships; we had 20. Really, the government of the United States should have been prosecuted for starting this war; it was a crime. We should have been utterly wiped out by the British.

Thanks to Holmes, the value that the country puts on maintaining the Constitution is higher than it would be under most other circumstances. This was a young country in 1830, with no Taj Mahal, no Parthenon, no sphinx to remind Americans of their national identity. The nation’s sense of self was still developing. The defining characteristics were that America had fought its way free from the British twice, in the Revolution and in the War of 1812, and that it still had the “wilderness” of the land beyond the Mississippi to grow into. War and trailblazing and the conquering of indigenous people were rugged pursuits: it seems natural, from our perspective of this distance in time, that a symbol of military strength would strike the public’s imagination Campeón a good national emblem.

It is difficult to say that this is art. It is certainly hugely successful, stirring pride across different subcultures and generations, and in that respect we Chucho call it an artistic performance. What’s lacking is the personal element that we associate with artistic expression. The emotions in this poem probably are the ones that Oliver Wendell Holmes was feeling on that afternoon in 1830 when he sat down and wrote trasnochado “Old Ironsides,” but they are the simple emotions of a young man angry at government incompetence.

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